4 Transformative Body Treatments To Try In 2023
As the silly season comes to a close and the reality of the new year sets in, physical well-being is beginning to re-establish its place alongside partying and play on our list of priorities. And although we agree that eating well, moving your body, and prioritising sleep are the fundamental pillars, we’re also curious about the treatments available to help us really kickstart our wellness.
For an insight into the physical treatments that can help us achieve peak wellness in 2023, we spoke with Adie Robertson – Yoga & Meditation Coach and Founder of one of Sydney’s leading wellness clinics including Wonder – about the new and trusted treatments she would recommend for giving your body a boost.

Lymphatic drainage massage
Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of physical massage therapy designed to reduce swelling by encouraging the movement of fluid through the body’s lymph system. While this treatment is most commonly advised for people suffering from lymphedema, general swelling as a result of a sluggish lymph system is something that many of us suffer from without noticing.
“Lymphatic drainage is a health massage – essentially, it’s a method of cleaning the body. It removes toxins, improves the immune system, improves circulation, helps with fluid retention and helps with digestion as well as assisting with lymphedema. Lymphatic drainage is something we offer to complement all of our treatments – it kickstarts detoxification and allows for a more effective treatment,” Adie explains.
“When our lymphatic system is working at its best, the body is able to detox more easily,” explains Sila Insua Lopez, a highly trained therapist and physio who’s been a member of the Wonder team for over five years.
Colonics (or colonic irrigation) are water-based treatments which involve a trained practitioner flushing water through the colon to remove harmful toxins, bacteria and build-up.
This treatment isn’t for everyone, and while there are arguments that cleansing the colon can negatively impact the microbiome by removing beneficial bacteria, many people are evangelical about the benefits. “The benefits of colonics are truly life-changing, and I don’t say that lightly. Having owned Wonder for years now, I’ve been able to watch the cumulative benefits improve people’s lives over time, and the first time I had the treatment the benefits were immediate: my skin glowed for the first time in my life.” Adie says.
As well as outlining the link between colon and skin health (she describes a colonic as ‘the internal facial’), Adie explains the close link between gut health and our overall energy levels, physical state and mental clarity. “The colon is six feet long, and bad bacteria can sit there for so long. Eventually, that bad bacteria is what leads to dis-ease and often, to disease. Just like it’s important to clear out the pipes of your car, it’s important to flush out your own internal pipes to remove bad bacteria and candida. Not only does this help with better nutrient absorption, but it leads to reduced inflammation throughout the body, which has endless benefits,”.
Body contouring
Body wraps and serums have their place, but if you’re looking for a body treatment with instant results, look no further.
The body contouring treatment offered by the team at Wonder is a reflection of the clinic’s name: an experience that will leave you floating on a cloud, in utter wonder at the power that an hour-long treatment can have on the way you feel.
“The body contouring might be our star treatment – the impact is that immediate. The treatment is really changing the shapes of people’s bodies – it’s firming the skin, promoting collagen and elastin posture improvement. The radiofrequency machine penetrates deep into the tissue, making any massage even more effective,” Adie tells me before I’m lucky enough to experience the treatment for myself.
Combining the use of a radiofrequency contouring machine with traditional Colombian massage tools, the Wonder therapist carries out a series of massage techniques including a hypopressive method which strengthens the core and improves posture. Penetrating deep into the muscle, the radiofrequency machine amplifies the effectiveness of the massage, and the therapist’s deep understanding of the human body allows each treatment to be tailored to the individual.
“Every person is different, so we concentrate on what they need and work to make them feel better from the inside out. It’s not just aesthetic, it’s emotional,” Sila explains.
Muscle stimulation
The final body treatments is a new feature on Wonder’s roster: a muscle stimulation technique harnessing an Australian-first in body-sculpting technology: truSculpt flex+ from CUTERA.
“It takes around four to six sessions of the muscle stimulation for it to have its best effect, but it’s such a powerful treatment,” Adie explains.
While Adie recommends this treatment for anyone looking to really tone and sculpt their body (combining body contouring with muscle stimulation is popular with brides-to-be and people recovering from pregnancy or surgery), she maintains that it’s most impactful as a preventative therapy.
“Post forty, your muscle mass starts to decline – it becomes harder to maintain muscle and way harder to build muscle. The more you look after your muscles, the better your longevity is, so exercising (and harnessing therapies like this one) is ultimately investing in your future freedom,” Adie tells me.
“Through the combination of these treatments you can rebuild 30% muscle, so it’s not only aesthetic – it can genuinely improve your quality of life. It also stokes and fires your metabolism, so you get that energy rush as you’ve been to the gym. You’re doing a workout on steroids while you lie there.”
Of course, Adie is quick to agree that living a healthy, active, low-stress lifestyle is the best groundwork you can lay, but if you’re looking for a boost or a new year reboot, these treatments are a good place to start.