Spa Guide: Luxury Biohacking Treatment at Tsavo Wellness
In this week’s Spa Guide, we review this beautifully designed, family-run wellness studio that offers scientifically sophisticated biohacking treatment with a uniquely mothering sense of care.
“My personal belief is that our bodies are innately designed to heal themselves, and it’s just our environment – the situation we find ourselves in – that disconnects us from that innate ability to heal,” this is the ethos that undergirds Tsavo wellness, a next generation, hyper-healing wellness oasis just off Mosman’s busy Spit Road.
Tsavo Wellness was founded by entrepreneur and mother Lara Rose, whose personal wellness journey began when she began to experience thyroid issues in her mid-twenties. Years later, when her daughter Izzy was diagnosed with Lyme disease, Lara began to rapidly accelerate her education – researching extensively about emerging therapies and biohacking treatments. Lara’s research took her and her family across the world on a mission to help restore Izzy’s well-being and disprove the (concerning) doctor’s prognosis.
“The doctor told us that Izzy would be unable to walk within a few years, but now she’s so well. There are still days when it’s harder to handle, but for the most part you really wouldn’t know,” Lara explains.
Izzy’s wellness didn’t come at no cost, and Lara is painfully aware of how hard it can be for families to provide the emotional support for extensive treatment, let alone the financial means.
“The idea for Tsavao was born out of my own experience – as an exhausted mum, seeing Izzy suffer day in and day out, and knowing that sourcing the next treatment would take us across the world.”
“I thought: wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place where people could go that held space for the families, whilst also providing the high level of treatment that can genuinely heal. I wanted to create a space for a person working through issues to not be seen as sick anymore. To be seen as a person in recovery – on their journey to where they need to be.”
Lara’s belief in the innate healing power of the body doesn’t come with a dismissal of the importance of medicine, but a curiosity about the other methods and modalities that can help people on their way to health. With that in mind, she created Tsavo with a range of high-level treatment offerings and therapies known for their biohacking capabilities.
“I wanted to create a space with the biohacking technology that creates the environment for the body to wake up and say: I know what to do with this. It’s about creating an environment in which your body can do its own work. I’m really passionate about making sure it’s scientifically backed, it’s safe and effective and people can be in their own lane, on their own healing journey. I want to stop this idea that someone outside has to help – we have so much power within ourselves, and to reconnect with that is really important.” Lara reflects.

The beautifully calm, plant-flanked space is home to a TGA-registered cryotherapy chamber, a red light therapy bed, two full spectrum infrared saunas, a Slimyonik Lymphatic Massage Suit, a localised cryotherapy machine, an Airpod HydroxyHyperbaric Oxygen & Hydrogen Therapy and a BYONIK Laser for facial treatments. The top-grade treatment devices provide a range of therapies which aid with general wellbeing, whilst providing specific benefits for people managing health issues such as compromised immune response, inflammation and thyroid/ hormonal challenges. With the belief that the experience of wellness is holistic, the Tsavo team also offer naturopathy consultations – all from a carefully designed, tastefully luxurious space that’s a far cry from the clinical, sterile-looking clinics that so often house the apparatus for healing.
“Your eyes feed your soul, so why wouldn’t you want to indulge in something simple and beautiful, to feel completely held,” Lara says, when describing the ethos that guided her and Izzy as they crafted the interior aesthetic of the space. The mother and daughter duo designed the space themselves, sketching designs onto the walls and hand-picking the tiles, light fixtures and fittings.
Aside from the uniquely sophisticated treatment list, it’s the careful design and the soulful team are what really round-out the Tsavo experience – stemming from a mothering figure whose commitment to other people’s wellness undergirds it all.
“I ran a childcare centre for twelve years, and when I had a sense that that journey was complete, I made the switch from looking after children and families to looking after grown-ups. If I’m not nurturing people, I’m not happy,” Lara reflects.
Bookings at Tsavo can be made via , and you can follow Tsavo on Instagram @tsavo.wellness